Bad Weather Service Arrangement

Tropical Cyclone Signal

  • When Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is in force, our services will be suspended.
  • Limited service will be resumed within two hours after the typhoon signal No. 8 is lowered. Affected appointment would be rescheduled once our services have been resumed.

Black Rainstorm Warning Signal

  • If Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is hoisted before the commencement of service hours, our services will be suspended.
  • If Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is hosted within the service hours, our service will be as usual. Clients are advised to call us for the appointment/ service status before departure. Please visit our centers under safe conditions or consider reschedule appointments.
  • If Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is canceled, limited services will be resumed within 2 hours after the signal is canceled. Affected appointments would be rescheduled once our services have been resumed.